Sunday, August 16, 2009

A little of this, a little of that

As usual, I forgot to update this damn blog! Sigh..... These are last weekends updates.

T is for Time by Prairie Schooler

Peace Sampler by Imaginating, Inc.

And this is my sago palm. A friend bought me a pup (guess what's they call the "babies") that he found on the side of the street. It was totally bald and prickly and now it's starting to grow. It seemed to have taken months for the first little fronds to appear, but it's growing fast now. As soon as it gets a little bigger, I'm going to transplant into the middle of my front yard.


Anonymous said...

I love these letters and your palm is doing great! Go little tree!

Sandy's Cross Stitch said...

What a wonderful palm tree. How is it doing?