Only the Blessings Sampler left to go!!!!
by Imaginating, Inc. Stitched on 32 ct hand dyed linen. Started on 8/15/09, finished 11/21/09.
Finally, finally, finally a finish!! I don't know what the deal is with me and stitching lately. My mojo disappeared for the longest. I think I have to blame Facebook cuz of all the damn games! LOL Between Farmville, Island Paradise, all the fish tanks and egg hunts, I haven't had any time to stitch!!! LOL Slowly but surely it's coming back to me though. I went on vacation the first part of Ocotber and had an absolute blast!!! I haven't laughed that hard or ate that good in a long, long time. And the company was just the best!! Love my girls :) You can find the pics here from my trip.
Sunflower Inn by Little House NeedleworksStitched on 28 ct hand dyed jobelan clay with DMCand Crescent Colours hand dyed floss. Startedstitching on 9/12/09, finished on 11/12/09.
Close up of sunflowers....yep...beads!!! No wayin the world was I doing french knots!! LOL
I'm now working on the Peace Sampler.
This is the last picture I took back on 10/13. I've gotten a bit more done in the past couple of days. I'll try to post a more recent picture this week.
I was minding my own business at work playing on Facebook and who walks through the door??? Bryan Batt bka Sal from Mad Men. My mouth dropped and I couldn't get to the counter fast enough. LOL He is downright precious and so, so sweet!! I told him how much I missed him on the show and that I hope he comes back. And I got an autograph for me and one for my friend, Suez, who actually hooked me on the show. It was the total bright side of my day :)
Cannot believe that it's been a year since I started this blog! And I've been a bad blogger of late. I will try my best to do better in this coming year.Thanks to all of you that have read and posted comments. I read each and every one of them and appreciate them all :)